Lowerhouse Mile Thanks
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Lowerhouse Mile Thanks

Lowerhouse Mile - Sources

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Lowerhouse Mile - Thanks
I would like to thank and acknowledge a number of people and organisations, who have made it possible for me to collect and collate the content of this website so far. Without their efforts, publications, and archiving skills, it would have been just about impossible for me to reach this stage of the project.

Roger Frost
Roger Frost is a graduate of Manchester University and a former teacher and lecturer. He has many local history titles to his credit and he writes a weekly column in the Burnley Express.

Brian Hall
Brian Hall is a history graduate of Manchester University and a retired teacher. As chair of the Friends of the Weavers' Triangle, a society dedicated to the preservation of Burnley's industrial heritage, he now spends much of his time helping to run its Visitor Centre. He is the author of a number of publications on local history and is Treasurer of the Burnley and District Historical Society. Most of the photographs were taken during the redevelopment of the town centre in the 1970s/80s. Others are from an archive collection of images of Lowerhouse and the Padiham Road area.

Clare Handby
Clare a local resident, provided me with a document that has allowed me to add some interesting information about Burnley's first MP, and his part in the Lowerhouse Mill and the Lowerhouse Print Works business.

Albert Mitton
Published a DVD - Old Burnley DVD ‘Bygone Days’

Alexander Lund – (Map Site)
Alexander a local resident, has provided us with an excellent link to historical maps of Lowerhouse, which can be manipulated and compared alongside the geographical area as it stands today. The link can be found on the homepage of the website.

Gill Ramplee & Pamela Stevenson – (Research)
Gill & Pamela two local residents, undertook research into a block of properties including 302 Lowerhouse Lane and uncovered evidence of what the buildings were originally, before they became the residential housing they are today. (To be displayed on the website when it arrives).

Jack Nadin
Jack Nadin is a former coal miner with a great interest in both the history of mining and local history. He is the author of several books, including East Lancashire Mining Memories, Burnley Cotton Mills, and Padiham In Old Photographs.

Mrs P. May
A collection of photographs in a publication - Lowerhouse & District in Times Past

Matthew Rochester
Matthew's passion was for photography, he photographed places, people and events in Burnley. At home he had his own darkroom where he developed the film/images that he recorded. After his death in 2007 his collection was left largely untouched until a chance discussion with a member of Burnley Civic Trust revealed his collection. A neighbour of Mrs. Rochester, a Civic Trust member, is cataloguing and digitising the collection to ensure that these important images are saved for posterity and made available to view.

Lowerhouse Cricket Club
The club have an extensive archive of information with a rich history of information dating back over 158 years. Much of this information is publshed on their website via an online museum, which is sourced through, volunteers, supporters, club members, and ex players who provide it with all manner of documents, photo's and old memoirs, that have often been in their loft for decades. To get in touch contact:– 'adam@lowerhousecc.com'

Newspapers, Public Archives & Records
A number of newspapers, local libraries, and public achives, were also used to research and authenticate much of the information collected, as far as it was possible to do so.